Dietary intake is the largest source of co-q-10. Co-q-10 is involved with energy production on a cellular level. All cellular reactions in the body are dependent on this process, so co-q-10 is a pretty important and unique nutrient! Take this quiz to determine if you have a co-q-10 deficiency. 


Each of the following is worth one point. Which of the following apply to you? 

1. muscular weakness 

2. heart rhythm disturbances 

3. delayed wound healing 

4. enlarged heart 

5. morbid obesity 

6. chronic unrelenting fatigue 

7. bleeding gums and/or pyorrhea 

8. receding gums 

9. high blood pressure

10. chronic kidney disease 

11. increased susceptibility to infections 

12. chronic gum infections 

13. foul breath 

14. muscular atrophy 

15. accelerated aging of the skin 

16. Do you avoid eating fatty fish? 

17. Do you have a difficult time initiating weight loss? 

18. Do you have an aversion/intolerance to exercise, or do you feel ill after exercising? 

19. Do you have an immune deficiency disorder? 

20. Do you have a history of angina pectoris and/or coronary artery disease? 

21. Do you have a history of congestive heart failure? 

22. Do you have asthma? 

23. Do you avoid eating red meats or poultry? 

24. Do you have a chronic lung infection? 

25. Do you smoke one-half pack or more of cigarettes daily? 

26. Do you have shortness of breath after exertion? 

27. Do you experience severe muscle pain, particularly after exercising?

1-4 points: Mild co-q-10 deficiency. 

5-12 points: Moderate co-q-10 deficiency. 

13 and above: Severe co-q-10 deficiency. 

(Levy, 2006). 

(Angelini, 2014). 

(Langsjoen, 2008). 

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