Monitoring and regulating your blood sugar levels is critical to catch diabetes before it begins!  Diabetes is often preceded by a blood sugar disorder called hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. The prevalence of diabetes and blood sugar disorders in the United States is high, largely due to introduction of a sedentary diet coupled by the consumption of highly palatable energy dense foods. Blood sugar may be modulated through lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise. Take this quiz to get an idea of where your blood sugar levels may be. 

Each of the following is worth one point. Which of the following apply to you? 

1. mood swings 

2. fatigue after eating, worse if dessert is included 

3. insomnia 

4. episodes of agitation or temper tantrum 

5. dizziness and/or fainting spells 

6. legs feel rubbery or weak 

7. episodes of shakiness and/or tremors 

8. clumsiness 

9. headaches 

10. easily become upset and/or frustrated 

11. episodes of cold sweats and/or nausea 

12. disorientation 

13. depression often relieved by eatin 

14. sleepiness after eating sugar, fruit, or starch 

15. bursts of violent behavior and/or fits of anger 

16. attention deficit 

17. memory impairment or forgetfulness 

18. paranoia and/or anxiety 

19. crying spells 

20. panic attacks 

21. episodes of blurry vision 

22. cantaknerous behavior 

23. sudden drop in energy level during mid-morning or mid-day 

24. nightmares

25. constant worrying 

26. indigestion 

27. indeciveness 

28. sensations of impending doom 

29. poor concentration

30. heart rhythm disturbances 

31. uncontrollable negative self-destructive thoughts 

32. episodes of uncontrollable eating (binging) 

33. episodes of mental blackouts 

34. Are you accident prone? 

35. Do you constantly crave sweets and/or starches? 

36. Do you drink alcohol heavily? 

37. Do you consume sweets on a daily basis? 

38. Do you have a history of liver and/or pancreatic disease? 

39. Do you have a significant family history of diabetes? 

40. Do you have chronic migraine headaches? 

41. Do you eat fast food on a weekly basis? 

42. Do you have intense cravings for salty foods? 

43. Do you take birth control pills on a regular basis, or have you done so in the past for two years or more? 

44. Have you taken large doses of cortisone, orally or injectable, or do you take it currently on a regular basis? 

Total: _______

1-8 points: Mild blood sugar collapse. If untreated, your blood sugar problems will likely worsen with time. 

9-22 points: Moderate blood sugar collapse. Treatment of this condition requires strict adherence to a low-sugar/starch diet. 

23 and above: Severe blood sugar collapse. Continued consumption of large amounts of sugar could lead to diabetes. 

Reversing blood sugar irregularities is possible, through diet!  It requires a commitment and steady approach.  A Nutrolution RD can help you make a lasting healthy lifestyle change that can change the course of your health.  We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare.  Call or contact us below to verify your nutrition benefits and get started on a personal nutrition program!

+1 (919) 752-7740     

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(Diabetes Prevention Research Group, 2002). 

(Bennett, et. al 1971).

(Clinical Diabetes, 2013). 

 For more information, check out our research and references page here