Do You Have an Iron Deficiency?
Iron abnormalities can be categorized into too much or too little. Both can be dangerous. In children, iron poisoning can be fatal. In adults, excess iron is linked to cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's and liver disease. Iron may be difficult to absorb, but it should never be taken as a supplement unless you have been diagnosed with a deficiency. Use this quiz to determine your levels of iron but consult with your doctor before starting any iron supplements. For menstruating or anemic women, this may be especially beneficial.
Each of the following is worth one point. Which of the following apply to you?
1. chronic fatigue
2. lack of appetite
3. spoon shaped (scooped) nails.
4. confusion
5. memory loss
6. lightheadedness or dizziness
7. rapid heartbeat after minimal exercise
8. inflamed and/or sore tongue
9. irritability
10. chronic headaches
11. fragile bones
12. difficulty swallowing
13. brittle hair and/or nails
14. depression
15. constipation
16. paleness of the skin, especially facial skin
17. sensitivity to cold
18. shortness of breath
19. tingling in fingers or toes
20. sores on the inside of or around the mouth
21. vertical ridges on the fingernails
22. hair loss, especially in females
23. cravings for cold water and/or ice
24. Do you take antacids on a regular basis?
25. Do you drink three or more cups of black or green tea on a regular basis?
26. Do you have rheumatoid arthritis?
27. Are you anemic?
28. Have you suffered from heavy menstrual flow for a prolonged time span?
29. Do you take aspirin and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on a daily basis?
Your score: ______
1-6 points: Marginal or no iron deficiency.
7-12 points: Mild iron deficiency.
13-19 points: Moderate iron deficiency.
20 and above: Severe iron deficiency.
Reversing iron deficiency is possible through diet! Our Registered Dietitians can help you make a lasting healthy lifestyle change that can reverse nutritional deficiencies. We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare. Call or contact us below to verify your nutrition benefits and get started on a personal nutrition program!
+1 (919) 752-7740
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(Killip, 2007)
(Qiang & Eaton, 2002)
(Fraga, 2002)
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